Hanami Picnic

In Japan, when the seasons change, and Spring has come, the warmth brings cherry blossoms! It’s common for friends and family to come together for a picnic called Hanami (directly translated to flower watching). On Friday, March 23rd, Star Kids had our picnic in Shabakoen!
The sun was shining and the weather was warm. It was the perfect day to be outside! Many parents, and even some grandparents, came to join us. We started with some freeplay on the grass and the slide. Then, we had our lunches under the shade all together. After our tummies were full, we played some games! We played Hide and Seek and chased bubbles.
We hope you had a great time! We can’t wait to do this again next year.

日本の春と言えば、お花見ですよね!今年の冬は長く感じた気がしません?なので、早速、Star Kidsファミリーでお花見させていただきました。3月23日の金曜日、雨と強風がやっと止んでくれて、ピクニックに抜群な天気でした。子どもたちもママとパパたちも先生たちもみんな芝公園で集まりました。
Star Kids お花見で楽しんでもらえましたか?また来年よろしくお願いします!


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