Happy Halloween

How was your Halloween this year? We had a great time at Star Kids!

皆さん、今年のハロウィンはどうでしたか?Star Kidsのハロウィンパーティーはとても楽しかったです!

On October 29th, we held a private Halloween Party for our students.



Everyone looked AMAZING!


The children enjoyed dressing up with their classmates. We had everything from princesses to ghouls, witches to superheroes and fluffy animals. They were so adorable in their costumes! 



We did our usual Morning Circle wearing Halloween costumes, which was extra special. They danced and sang in their disguises. 



Due to ongoing COVID protocol, teachers helped the children with trick or treating nearby the school. They looked so amazing walking through the neighborhood.

コロナウイルスの感染防止対策のため、TRICK OR TREATは子どもたちと先生たちだけで行いました。子どもたちは近所でパレードをしてからお菓子をたくさんもらいました。


We came back to the school for games! There was an obstacle course where the children tumbled and hopped along. They fished for spooky sea creatures in the deep blue sea. They stuck their hands into a mystery box filled with creepy and slimy items.


Thank you!


Thank you to parents for helping us make this party possible. We are looking forward to the rest of the year with you all! Hope to celebrate Halloween with you again next year!




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