Summer School 2019


Hello everyone, 

How was your summer? Ours was great!! We were so happy and lucky to have so many new and old friends join us for Summer School! It’s amazing to watch how quickly students grow and progress. This year’s summer school session was a reunion of all our Star Kids graduates, who graduated last August and this year in March. This reunion was really special as the children and teachers alike loved having the older children back!! 

今年の夏は楽しかったでしょうか?Star Kidsの夏はすごく楽しかったです。昔からのお友達も、新しいお友達も、いつものお友達も、サマースクールに来てくれました。そして、やっぱり子どもの成長の速さはびっくりするほどですよね!去年の秋と今年の春に卒園したお友達が戻ってきてくれて、本当に良かったと思います。先生たちと子どもたちはみんなに久しぶりに会えて嬉しかったです。


Making Memories

We explored imaginary beaches and created artwork inspired by classical storybooks. We made campfires with painted toes and danced our sillies out. The children really loved working together as a team and singing loudly for everyone to hear during parachute time.  We had water gun fights and inflated balloons with baking soda and vinegar. We really got messy and colorful when we blew bubble towers. The children had to predict whether things would sink or float in cold water, and whether things would melt or not in hot water. We managed to create rainbows out of candy! We made sparkly lava lamps with basic household ingredients. We all learned about Japanese festivals and even how to wear a summer kimono called a yukata.


We did all of this and much more over the course of six weeks of Summer school, along with our routine studies in math, English, art and, of course, physical activities in the park. Yeah, we’ve been busy, and had loads of fun doing it, too!



An Invitation

Every day was so full of fun, learning and adventure. Our next journey: Halloween Party! Stay tuned for more details about our Halloween Party on October 26th. There will be trick or treating, various games, costumes… lots and lots of fun! Mark your calendars and book your spot by sending us an email at or call us at 03-6452-9470.

冒険や、学び事や、エキサイトがいっぱいの毎日でしたよ!次のイベントは:ハロウィン!10月26日にハロウィンパーティーを行いますので、のちほど、詳しい情報を報告いたします。今年のハロウィンパーティーも、Trick or Treatとか、ゲームとか、色んなコスチュームとかがあって、本格的なハロウィンになります。予約が必要になります。詳しくは、または 03-6452-9470までご連絡ください。


We hope to see you all for Star Kids Halloween Party and thank you for joining us Star Kids Summer School!! 




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