Halloween Party 2016
Hello everyone! We hope you had a great week and that you have recovered from all the Halloween celebrations last weekend. Everybody certainly had a wonderful time here at the Star Kids Halloween party. With more than twenty children joining us for Halloween this year, there were so many awesome costumes!
We had everything from Star Wars Jedi Knights to Olaf and Elsa from Frozen! Spooky, funny, cute, and silly… We had it all, and we had a LOT of fun! There was singing, dancing, halloween themed games, and we even carved real jack-o-lanterns in class before heading out to the streets of Shibakoen to do some actual trick-or-treating! Then, with bags FULL of candy, we wrapped up the party playing with our friends in the park opposite Zojoji temple, right under Tokyo Tower! We want to say a big THANK YOU to the local businesses in and around Shibakoen who took the time to help out with our trick-or-treat costume walk. Thank you Yanaka Coffee (芝大門店), フラワーショップサノー, and Vashon (Seattle’s Best Coffee) for your kindness and support. You made the children very happy.
We would also like to say thank you to all of the new children who joined us for the first time at Star Kids International Preschool, it was wonderful to meet you! We love making new friends so thank you for coming. We hope to see you again soon!
スターウォーズのジェッド・アイからアナと雪の女王のオラフやエルサもいました!奇妙だったり面白かったり、かわいいコスチュームを来た子どもたちととても楽しい時間を過ごせました!歌を歌ったり踊ったり、ハロウィンテーマのゲームで遊んだり、1からかぼちゃを切り抜いてジャック・オ・ランタン(かぼちゃ提灯)を一緒に作ったり、最後にはみんなで外へ出て芝公園の街並を歩きトリック・オア・トリートをしました!袋いっぱいのお菓子とともに東京タワーの真下にある、増上寺の反対側にある公園でパーティを締めくくりました!このたび私たちに時間を割いていただき協力していただきました 谷中珈琲(芝大門店)様、フラワーショップサノー 様、そしてVashonシアトルベストコーヒー(芝公園店)様のご協力者様、誠にありがとうございました。
Christmas Party
Next up on our event calendar is the Star Kids Christmas Party which will be held on December 10th this year. We will post an update with all the details very soon so stay tuned!
Social Media
If you haven’t already, don’t forget to like our Facebook page.
Here is the link – https://www.facebook.com/StarKidsPreschoolJapan/
And if you have twitter you can follow us here – https://twitter.com/Starkidsjapan
Halloween Party Photos
Instead of just telling you about all the fun we had at our Halloween party, you can see for yourself! Here are just a few of the photos from the party.