Summer School, Halloween, and so much more…
Hello everyone!
Where does the time go? The weeks and months just seem to fly by, don’t they? It feels like Summer School was only a couple of weeks ago, and our Halloween party was just yesterday! Now the days are getting shorter, the weather is getting colder, and Christmas is just around the corner.
While we are talking about Christmas, don’t forget the Star Kids Christmas party is early this year. Put it in your calendars – December 2nd, 10:30am to 12:00pm. Be sure to email us to reserve your place! It’s just 1,000 yen per child. And, if you’ve been good, there might just be a visit from a special someone who knows if you’ve been naughty or nice…
Now, let’s catch up on some of the things we’ve been doing at school…
Summer School
This year we had five different themes stretching over six weeks: Puppets & Masks, Fairy Tale Adventures, Creatures, Critters, & Creepy Crawlies, Making Music, and Movies & Animation.
In our first week of Summer School we learnt how to make different kinds of puppets and masks from household items, and we had a lot of fun playing with them. Playing with puppets and masks really encourages the children to express themselves.
The following week we learned a little bit about traditional fairy tales before making props and set pieces to act out our favourite fairy tale moments. It was a lot of fun, especially our reenactment of Jack & The Beanstalk.
We then spent the next two weeks learning all about the creatures and critters we see around us everyday. We made a lot of cool animal and insect crafts too!
The week after that was music week. We made a lot of noise and had a lot of fun making music! We made drums and shakers, played musical bells, piano, and guitar and had our own private concert in the classroom. It was chaos but the kids really enjoyed it!
Our final week of Summer School was all about movies and animation. We watched some great short animations and movies then practiced making simple hand drawn animations as well as stop motion animation and our own short movies. The short movies were probably the most fun. The children learned that movies are made by editing together shorter clips and splicing them together. They also learned a few special movie making magic tricks. We will upload some of our funny videos soon!
Halloween this year was a lot of fun. Like we do every Halloween at Star Kids, we had a fashion show, sang Halloween songs, played some fun games and got our hands dirty carving pumpkins, before heading out onto the streets of Shibakoen to “trick or treat””. Despite the rain, we had a wonderful time. Big thanks to Yanaka Coffee (芝大門店), フラワーショップサノー, Tully’s Coffee Shibakoen, and Faith Coffee for helping us out with our “trick or treating”, we really appreciate it.
So Much More
In the build up to Halloween we spent a lot of our time learning about the seasons and the changes that come in autumn and winter, cultural events such as the Indian festival of Diwali, and a whole unit on cooperation and imaginative play. Young children often have difficulty sharing ideas and leadership roles in the classroom so we created a series of lessons around two really great books by Antoinette Portis, “Not A Box” and “Not A Stick”. We used these books as a way of inspiring the children’s imaginations to create imaginative role playing scenarios, then we had the children take turns leading and following. Of course, that’s not all we did, we also had a lot of fun learning our numbers and ABCs too!
And that’s what we’ve been up to at Star Kids.
Christmas Party
Next up on our event calendar is the Star Kids Christmas Party which will be held on December 2nd this year. That’s this weekend coming so remember to reserve your place!
Social Media
If you haven’t already, don’t forget to like our Facebook page.
Here is the link –
And if you have twitter you can follow us here –
You can also find us on Instagram –
Instead of just telling you about all the fun we’ve had over the past couple of months, you can see for yourself! We hope you like the photos!
今年のハロウィンもとても楽しかったですね!毎年恒例のように、ファッションショーをしたりハロウィンの歌を歌ったり、ゲームや手を汚してカボチャを切ったり、また最後には街中をまわってトリック・オア・トリートもしました。とても素敵な時間になりました。ご協力頂きました やなか珈琲芝大門店 様、フラワーショップサノー 様、タリーズ珈琲芝公園 様、そしてフェイス珈琲 様 本当にありがとうございました。
ハロウィンに近づくにつれて、子どもたちは季節と秋・冬に訪れる変化や文化、インドのディワリなどのイベントについてや、友達と一緒に協力することについて学んできました。子どもたちは、時に物やアイディアを共有することに難しさを覚えるときがあります。それを解決するために、アントワネット・ポーティスの絵本「Not A Box」「Not A Stick」という2つの素晴らしい本を基にみんなで協力できるレッスンシリーズを作りました。この2つの本を通して、子どもたち自身のアイディアからできたごっこ遊びや、順番にゲームをリードする人を変えていき、ついていくことをしました。もちろんそれだけではなく、数字やABCについてもたくさん学びました!