Christmas and New Year
Hi everyone!
My gosh, where did the year go? It seems like it was only a few weeks back that we were having fun in summer school and now the Christmas and New Year holidays are just over a week away. Wow! The weeks have simply flown by.
Sadly, this will be our last blog for the year. So much has happened this year, it’s hard to know what to talk about first. As most of you know, we are a new school and this year was our first full year since we opened in 2015. In November of last year we welcomed our first Preschool students and, since then, we have been lucky to meet so many new friends, young and old, some for just a short time and others who are still with us today.
We feel happy and incredibly grateful to have received the support of so many wonderful people who joined us at our school and special events throughout the year, and now we have a class full of enthusiastic Preschool students eager to learn and explore the world with us.
In addition to our Preschool class, we were delighted to start our First Step Daycare program in October of this year. Even though it’s a new program we have already received so much positive feedback and support. Thank you.
Now, we look forward to 2017 and all of the fun, exciting things to come!
So, from the everyone at Star Kids International Preschool we would like to wish you happy holidays and hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
Please note, school will be closed from the 23rd of December, and the first day back at school will be January 11th, 2017!
And here is the Japanese
スターキッズ一同から、みなさんへ メリークリスマス!そして、素晴らしい休暇と、新年を!!
Social Media
If you haven’t already, don’t forget to like our Facebook page.
Here is the link –
And if you have twitter you can follow us here –
Last, but not least, we’d like to leave you with some pictures of our Christmas party and the last few days here at Star Kids. Enjoy!