Thank You

Thank you to all of the students, parents, new friends and old friends who were able to join us for our annual Halloween Party on October 27, 2018. It was so great to get to meet everyone and come together for such festive fun!



Star Kids was completely decorated with spooky and colorful crafts handmade by Star Kids students and teachers. We had everything from spider webs to colorful monsters, crazy bats to silly witches, and sparkling spiders to creepy ghosts.

Star Kidsの生徒や先生の手作りの飾り物で、園内はいつもと違う雰囲気でしたね。クモの巣やカラフルなモンスター、クレイジーなこうもりやおどけてる魔女、キラキラしたクモからびっくりさせちゃうお化けまでハロウィンっぽい工作が様々できましたよ!

Sing and Dance

Parents, children and teachers alike sang and danced together as a group, chasing away intruding ghouls and pretending to be emotional pumpkins.



We then played traditional carnival style games with Halloween based themes and monsters running the stations. Did you enjoy knocking down a pyramid of spooky characters? Didn’t you love tossing creepy bugs into baskets? Or was bopping jack o lanterns made of balloons with a witch’s broomstick your favorite game?


Puppet Show

After everybody had a turn, we all gathered for a Star Kids original puppet show. We had a special guest–The Very Hungry Caterpillar! We watched as he went trick or treating and met a witch, a mummy, a Frankenstein and a vampire. He learned how to trick or treat politely after lots of practice. Unfortunately, all of that candy gave him a very bad stomach ache. But after eating some fruits and vegetables, and brushing his teeth, he felt much better! We hope your tummies are okay, too.

ゲームが終わった後はStar Kids作のパペットショーがありました。その主役はなんと、はらぺこあおむしでした。はらぺこあおむしは次々と色んなモンスターに出会って、Trick or Treatをしました。最初は上手にできなかったのですが、沢山学んでいって、最後はとても礼儀正しくTrick or Treatできました。しかし、お菓子を食べすぎて、お腹が痛くて泣きました。お野菜と果物を食べて、元気になったという話しの内容でした。みんなさんのお腹も痛くなりませんように!

Trick or Treat

Finally, we all paraded around the Daimon/Hamamatsucho area for some good old fashioned trick or treating. The children were dressed as a variety of characters and monsters. We had a few cute witches, a clown, some superheroes, ghosts, and even a pineapple! Thank you to all of the local businesses for your cooperation. We couldn’t have done it without their support!! Thank you very much.

最後はみんなさんがリアルに大門と浜松町近辺でTrick or Treatしました。子どもたちの衣装は色々でしたよね!魔女さんが何人かと、ピエロさん一人と、スーパーヒーローさんとかお化けさんからのパイナップルちゃんもいましたよ!ご協力してくれたお店に感謝してます。毎年ありがとうございました。

See You Soon!

We hope to see you all again at our Christmas Party!  We will have it on Saturday, December 15th from 10:00-12:00.


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