Saying Goodbye
One of our long time student has graduated from Star Kids International Preschool. Generally, graduations take place in Spring, but our student was going to stay with us till summer so we planned it just before we said our goodbye!! We had a special ceremony mid year for him. It was a great day where friends and families came together to celebrate. Our little stars practiced for weeks and I must say they did put up a great show. It was a great opportunity for their parents and grandparents to see them shine like a superstar. We went down memory lane and saw the fun times we had in the past few years until now and how our graduating star has progressed. Thank you parents and grandparents for coming together and making this day so special for our students and especially our graduate of 2018. This was a bittersweet moment for us as we’re sad to see him go, but we know even after we’ve said goodbye he will be successful and wonderful throughout his journey as a student and a child. He really made his teachers proud.
Star Kids International Preschool から長く通ってるお友だちが卒園した。卒園式は基本的に春に行うものだが、夏まで通ってくれるとのことだったので、タイミング合わせて、このお友だちだけのために特別に夏の卒園式をあげた。子どもたちはみんなで、数週間かけて練習を頑張った結果、素晴らしいパフォーマンスになったよ!大人たちは自分の孫や子どもを本当のスーパースターのように輝く姿を見ることができたのかな?数年分の写真をまとめて、スライドショーを見て、懐かしい思い出も楽しめた。一緒に写ってる友だちも、卒園したお友だちも特に、たくさん成長したことがはっきり分かった。お別れすることは切ないと感じるけど、これからも、学生として、少年として、いっぱい成長して、立派な大人に育つことを期待しているよ!保護者様の協力なければ、できないことだったので、先生たちは感謝でいっぱいです。ありがとうございました。とても誇りに思ってます。
Please check out the photos and videos below.
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Thank you very much for organizing his graduation ceremony. He loves the school, teachers and classmates including babies.
It’s hard to say good bye to you.