Goodbye November
Hi everyone! How are you? We hope you are all well and keeping warm. We had some lovely sunny days in November but it’s starting to get colder and colder. Winter isn’t quite here yet, but it’s just around the corner!
It’s been a couple of weeks since our last update so we thought it was time we put up some new pictures and let you know what’s been going on here at Star Kids International Preschool.
November at Star Kids was a lot of fun. We learned all about autumn and the changing weather, the different things we can do in autumn, as well as the American holiday of Thanks Giving. We also went on a few adventures outside, discovering new and fun places around Shibakoen and Tokyo Tower, and we made some wonderful crafts!
Pictured above is one of our boys with his autumn leaf hand wreath. It’s super simple to make, all you need is some colored construction card, a paper plate, scissors and glue. As you can see, they are really bright and colorful and they look wonderful on the classroom walls too!
If you are looking for some good songs to sing in November, here are just a couple of suggestions from the songs we have been singing in class.
The Apple Tree (to the tune of “I Met a Bear”)
Oh way up high
In the apple tree
Two little apples
Looking down at me
I shook that tree just as hard as I could
Down came the apples and
They were good
Yum yum
Leaves Are Falling (to the tune of “Jingle Bells”)
Leaves are falling, leaves are falling
One fell on my nose
Leaves are falling, leaves are falling
One fell on my toes
Leaves are falling, leaves are falling
One fell on my head
Leaves are falling, leaves are falling
Yellow, orange, red
Winter School
Now we have said goodbye to November it’s time to remind you about the one week Winter School program we will be running here at Star Kids International Preschool. From December 14 to December 18, 9am to 2pm, for ages 3 to 6. It should be a lot of fun. Like our Summer School, there will be a lot of laughs with many fun crafts, songs, games and activities for everyone! The theme will be winter and Christmas, of course!
Just so it’s clear, here is that info again:
Winter School (ウィンター・スクール)
December 15 (12月14日) – December 18 (12月18日)
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
For ages 3歳 – 6歳
If you are interested in joining us for Winter School, just send us an email –
We love meeting new people and making new friends.
We can’t wait to meet you here at Star Kids!