Halloween 2020
This year has been restrictive and different for children and adults alike.
Festive & Creative Learning
Our students and teachers at Star Kids still had a festive and colorful Halloween, just as they do every year! We celebrated over the course of the month of October in both Preschool (ages 3-6) and Daycare (ages 1-3) classes. We danced monster dances and really partied!
それでも、Star Kidsのみなさんは毎年に負けていないといえるぐらい、楽しいハロウィンを過ごしましたよ!10月は全てのクラスでハロウィンのカリキュラムを行いました。モンスターっぽいダンスとか、すごく楽しかったです!
In Daycare, we made so many adorable crafts together. We made some individualized Trick or Treat bags, hand painted spooky spiders, and made pumpkin footprints. Children enjoyed a spooky obstacle course where they had to quickly escape to the finish line!
デイケアクラス(1-3歳児)はかわいい製作を沢山作りました。一人一人の個性が分かるTrick or Treatバッグや、手形のクモや、フットプリントからできたかぼちゃを上手に作りましたよ。そして、ハロウィン風のアスレチックコースで体を動かして遊びました!
In Preschool, we enjoyed traditional carnival games with a Halloween twist. We played Witch Hat Ring Toss, Halloween Vocabulary BINGO and Jack o’ Lantern Ball Toss games. We made so many festive crafts, too! The children once went home wearing super silly bat headbands. We made googly eyed and googly toothed Frankensteins! The children created their own Spiffy and Stripy Stocking Witches with boots. We made adorable baby ghosts and chic, colorful black cats. The children maneuvered marbles in paint to create a spooky Halloween night sky filled with bats.
We even managed to work Halloween into the children’s’ academics with cute worksheets. We added, subtracted, counted and wrote about every ghoul you could imagine.
A Private Party
Finally, on Friday October 30th, we had a private party with our students and teachers. We danced together in our costumes and got some tasty treats from our teachers. We wanted the children to enjoy Trick or Treating in a safe manner, and it worked out wonderfully! Their costumes were so cute! They pretended to be their favorite characters, monsters and heroes all morning.
先後に、10月30日(金)、いつもの生徒と先生たちだけで、プライベートパーティーを開きました。コスチュームを着たまま、ダンスしたり、先生からお菓子をもらいに行ったりしました。この状況でも、Trick or Treat を楽しんでもらいたい気持ちで、お店からじゃなくて、先生だけからお菓子を受け取るようにやりました。みんなモンスターやヒーローやお姫様などの格好をして、とても可愛かったです!
We hope you had a very Happy Halloween!