Happy Halloween! 


Thank you to all of our students and parents for making this year’s Halloween Party wonderful. We were so delighted to see Star Kids  parents join us by wearing outstanding costumes along with their children. 



Star Kids teachers and students started the morning with some silly Halloween dances. They looked so cute dancing in their costumes!



After our dance party, we met parents outside of Star Kids for Trick or Treating. 



Everyone walked together through the Shibakoen/Daimon neighborhood looking as festive as can be. Our parade brought smiles to everyone who saw and participated in it.



Children were able to say “Trick or Treat!” as they gathered candy from their teachers. We gathered for a group photo, and returned back to school.

子どもたちは先生からお菓子をもらう時に大きい声で「TRICK OR TREAT!」と言うことができました!その後は皆で集合写真を撮り園に戻りました。


Children finished their Halloween party in their classrooms, playing ghoulish games and dancing joyful dances with their teachers.



We hope everyone made some beautiful memories that day. 



We are looking forward to seeing you all again next year! 


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