Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This is our first update for the New Year. In fact, it’s our first update since before Christmas! Time just seems to fly when you are having fun, which is what we always try to do here at Star Kids.
How is everyone? I hope you are staying nice and warm. The weather has finally moved beyond chilly to cold. We may even get some snow sometime soon. Won’t that be exciting for the New Year?! I know it will be for us. If we get enough snow, you can bet we will be heading outside to make a snowman!
Christmas Party Update
Speaking of snowmen and Christmas, please check out the photos from our Christmas party in December. We had so much fun! We had a visit from Santa, played pin the nose on the snowman, made an awesome Christmas craft then settled down for a party with cookies and cake!
We would like to thank all the mums and children who joined our 2015 Christmas party. It’s hard to believe we had so many people come to our little school. Twenty children in total, plus their parents. It was so much fun! We’d also like to thank all the mums for helping organize the party, and extra special thanks for the surprise cake! It was yummy!!
With such a successful Christmas party and all the wonderful support we have had from everyone in the community, we are sure the New Year is going to be amazing.
Coming Up
Soon we will be uploading our school calendar with all the dates, holidays, and some of the events we will be having in the New Year. Keep an eye out for it and keep an eye out for future posts about what is happening in our school, as well as the upcoming Spring School and Summer School.
Here are the photos, as promised. Oh! If you haven’t already, don’t forget to like our Facebook page. Here is the link –